August Speaker – Martijn van Tilborgh

Whether it’s challenging outdated ministry paradigms or initiating creative business strategies, he believes that thriving in tomorrow’s world starts today.

Combining biblical insight with business intuition and prophetic edge with a passion for God’s kingdom, Martijn specializes in helping thought leaders and vital voices amplify their message, multiply their audience and maximize their impact.

After spending a decade in church planting and missionary enterprises in his native The Netherlands and South Africa, Martijn’s vision for extending the kingdom evolved to include those in the marketplace, beyond the walls of the traditional church.

Now he serves as a strategic marketing architect and consultant for numerous large churches, organizations and well-known individuals. Among the services he provides are book publishing, brand development and marketing.

In addition to speaking at churches, conferences and workshops, Martijn has shared some of what he has learned in several books. They include Unboxed: Uncovering New Paradigms for Tomorrow’s Church, Unleashed: How To Turn Your Message Into Impact and A Time of War: The Inevitable Conflict Between the Church of Today and the Church of Tomorrow.

His successful companies include Four Rivers Media, Kudu Publishing, Dream Releaser Enterprises and Avail.

Martijn and his wife, Amy, have three young adult children and live in Orlando, Florida. 

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